Our vision is of a society in which universal Nair brotherhood is protected.

Our mission is to provide social upliftment of Nairs through networking and community service around the world.

  • To create universal harmony and sense of brother hood
  • To promote national integration
  • To serve for the welfare of the Nair Community in India and around the world
  • To provide a non-political forum to bring together members of the community and like-minded organisations under one umbrella
  • To provide a platform for networking
  • To provide educational and economic assistance to deserving and establish service oriented Institutions
  • Sponsor and help female students to continue education free of cost
  • To give educational scholarships to deserving students
  • Encourage and organise activities for the upliftment of Nair women
  • To help overseas Indians in cases of ill-health, death and on pilgrimage
  • To take up effective steps for eradication of evils such as dowry system, child labour and introduce prohibition etc.
  • Give financial help to destitute women and provide pension scheme
  • Help poor family by providing financial help for marriage of their female members
  • To organise blood donation, health and eye camps
  • Adopt poor villages to develop infrastructure
  • Work as a common platform to join together to promote Indian culture and heritage
  • To enhance Community cohesion, promote social inclusion of vulnerable people through a process of empowerment and improved life
  • Improve the health and well being of nair community around the world through education and upliftment
  • Creating innovative solutions to support and provide care services to the less fortunate and vulnerable nairs within India and abroad